Education for All

Education for All

Confucius’ birthday is celebrated in September, so I thought a great Confucian concept worth sharing is:

有教無類 (yǒu jiào wú lèi)

It comes from the Analects, Book 15, where Confucius said, “In teaching, there should be no distinction of classes.”

有教 (yǒu jiào): To teach or there is education. This emphasizes the importance of education in society.

無類 (wú lèi): Without distinction or no discrimination. This means that education should not discriminate based on class, wealth, background, or social status.

Confucius believed that every individual, regardless of their societal rank or background, should have the opportunity to receive education and cultivate virtue. This idea suggests that educators should not be selective in whom they choose to teach, promoting an inclusive and egalitarian approach to learning.

In modern terms, 有教無類 advocates that education should be a universal right, available to everyone without bias or discrimination.

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