Choose Your Own Good Characters: John

Choose Your Own Good Characters: John

I’m excited to share some great news! The first book in our Choose Your Own Good Characters series, John: 888 Ways to Name John in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, is now available on Amazon in these countries:

Amazon US United States of America
Amazon UK United Kingdom
Amazon DE Germany (Deutschland)
Amazon FR France
Amazon ES Spain (España)
Amazon IT Italy (Italia)
Amazon NL Netherlands (Nederland)
Amazon PL Poland (Polska)
Amazon SE Sweden (Sverige)

Note: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The link above will take you to my book.

Listen to the Deep Dive: Overall, I really liked the AI deep-dive audio overview after I uploaded a couple of chapters from my book. However, it mentioned LeBron James, which was odd because he’s not in the book at all.

In addition to the 888 names, I originally designed a fun, 20-page appendix about how to misname John to be printed upside down. My idea was to show, in a thought-provoking way, how choosing the wrong transliteration can turn things upside down in unexpected ways.

Unfortunately, the publishing company didn’t approve the upside-down printing. After a week of back-and-forth, I decided to let it go and printed it normally. I’ll admit, it took a bit of the creativity and fun out of the book for me—but aside from that, this edition turned out just the way I wanted.

I hope you’ll check it out, use it to assign good, bad, or just plain weird names to all the Johns you know, and have fun while learning something new along the way!

If your first or middle name is John, or if you know someone named John, I’d love for you to check out this book! You’ll get a kick out of the many fascinating ways to name John and probably learn more about it than anyone else around you.

If you’ve purchased stamps from us before—like a Personal Stamp or Master Stamp—and you find a transliteration of John that really resonates with you, let me know. I’ll create a brand-new stamp for you at a great discount!

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